INPEX Operations Australia P/L has exercised an option to extend the provisioning of the ultra-deepwater semi-submersible rig Mærsk Deliverer for drilling services at the Ichthys Field in the Browse Basin offshore Western Australia. The contract extension has a duration of one year and is expected to commence in July 2023, in direct continuation of the rig’s current contract. One one-year option remains on the contract.
The operations in Australia will continue to be carried out with a particular focus on bringing value to the local community. Since arriving in the country in 2020, Mærsk Deliverer has employed a crew consisting of more than 80% Australian nationals, thereby significantly exceeding the contractual requirement of 40%. In addition, the rig follows Maersk Drilling’s global policy of using local suppliers when possible.
“We’re delighted to confirm that Mærsk Deliverer and its dedicated crew will continue to support INPEX and create value for the Western Australia community into 2024. The campaign at the Ichthys Field has reached several key milestones, including that Mærsk Deliverer was the first-ever rig to use managed pressure drilling in Australian waters,” says COO Morten Kelstrup of Maersk Drilling.