Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) reports that, concerning several articles published in some news outlets, which allegedly show a massive oil spill, the company states:
The pipeline network of the Ek Balam fields reached the end of its 30-year service life; therefore, as a preventive measure, it is being replaced by a new network. These actions will definitively eliminate the possibility of oil leaks.
The two locations of the leaks in the pipeline were small: 7 cm in length, and 1 mm wide, with a pore diameter of 1.2 cm. Given the small size of the cracks, the amount of hydrocarbons leaked was minimal.
This spill was immediately reported to the Safety, Energy and Environment Agency (ASEA) and the Ministry of the Navy (SEMAR) proceeded to repair the leaks at once, so they have been brought fully under control.
Most of the spilled oil was immediately picked up and the remaining sheen was dispersed.
The 400 km2 oil spill that was reported in some media outlets is an estimate that was reached in bad faith. For this assessment to be true, over 1.5 million barrels of oil would need to have been spilled.
The truth is that the volume that was reported by Petróleos Mexicanos' specialists was 58 m3 (equivalent to 365 barrels of oil), which affected an area that was estimated at 0.06 km2, with an oil film that was estimated to be one millimeter thick.
Petróleos Mexicanos urges the media outlets that spread misinformation to the public to conduct themselves ethically and adhere to the truth.