Petrobras informs that, following up on the release disclosed on 05/29/23, it has entered into a new natural gas purchase and sale contract with Companhia de Gás de Pernambuco - (COPERGÁS), effective as of January 2024 until December 2034, in the estimated amount of R$ 6.7 billion.
The contract is the result of the Public Call nº 003/2022 carried out by COPERGÁS, which aims at the supply of natural gas to meet the regulated market, whose concession area is located in the state of Pernambuco. The new contract reinforces the commercial partnership between the companies, maintaining security and reliability in competitive commercial conditions in a scenario of market opening and diversification of natural gas supply.
Once the regulatory rite has been established, the contract will be sent to the National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP), which is responsible for publicizing it in accordance with ANP Resolution No. 52/2011, which, in paragraph 6 of article 11, provides that the Agency will give full publicity to natural gas purchase and sale contracts signed between traders and local piped gas distributors to serve captive markets.