The National Energy Board (NEB) is making available a total of $150,000 under its Participant Funding Program to assist eligible individuals and groups intervening in the hearing process for the proposed Nova Gas Transmission Ltd. (NGTL) Towerbirch Expansion Project.

Funding is being made available to help support the participation of those persons who are directly affected or have relevant information or expertise, to prepare for hearing related activities; it is not intended to cover all expenses. Funding may be provided to eligible Intervenors up to a maximum of $12,000 for individuals and $80,000 for a group.

Applications for participant funding will be accepted up until 60 days before the first day of the oral portion of the hearing (to be determined).  Details about the hearing process will be announced at a later date.

In May 2015, NGTL filed the project description for its proposed Towerbirch Expansion Project, which would consist of approximately 87 km of pipeline and related facilities in northwest Alberta and northeast British Columbia.

The National Energy Board is an independent federal regulator of several parts of Canada's energy industry with the safety of Canadians and protection of the environment as its top priority. Its purpose is to regulate pipelines, energy development and trade in the Canadian public interest.