The 14th phase’s platform which was installed in reservoir block last month became operational and is pumping gas. HamidrezaMasuodi, the POGC manager of 14th phase development project announced achievement of new record in preparation of platform after installation in just 18 days: “We assume that the 500 mcf/day rich sour gas of 14th “A” platform will be delivered by 32 inches pipeline to Kangan refineries until March 10th.”
According to Masoudi, ISOICO as the BOT contractor of 14th platform and IDRO as the leader of consortium has dutifully acted in this project alongside the employer, POGC.
The drilling contractor of this project, NIDC, has completed the construction of 8 wells out of 11 wells of 14th Phase and these wells are operational now.
The 14th phase of South Pars project is designed to produce 56.6 Mcm/day sour gas and 75 bpd condensate alongside production of 1 million tons LNG, 1 million tons of ethane and 400 tons of sulfur every year.
The development project is held by a consortiumconsisting of IDRO, IPMI, IOEC, NIDC, ISOICO, Mapna, Payandan Company and Machine Sazi Arak. IDRO is the leader of consortium.